Now that you have decided if you want to continue using Facebook, which as we learned in our last article can be either useful or wasteful depending on what you are trying to get from it. Now we ask you to consider how you want to use it.
We suggest that you pre-think your Facebook audience. Make sure you are shaping your message to fit your intended action and always have a clear call to action.
Are you trying to get people to be aware of one of your products?
Consider something like “Did you know we offer…?” Questions are a great conversation starter, but no matter what your text says make sure you have an image attached to catch their eye.
Are you trying to get your followers involved with an event or something you are passionate about?
Share links, and make sure you are catering your message to fit the customers you are trying to reach. Do the research and know who you are talking to in your message.
Are you trying to get someone in the door?
Offer a special and make sure you are clear about your message, but it may be a better idea to use another social media option for trying to get someone to physically walk in.
Once you know the action you are trying to get your customers to take, you are going to need to figure how to reach your target audience. This is going to take a little time and research (this is where the pre-thinking comes in).
Start by asking yourself these questions..
How do you respond to the posts from the businesses that you follow?
Who is my target audience?
Who is my current audience and do they fit my target?
When will my audience be using social media?
Now you may be asking “How do I figure out the answers?”
You will be pleased to know that the answer is simple, go to the statistics tab on your business Facebook page. Use the information there to cater your message to your following. Make sure you are scheduling your posts to go out when your audience will be online to see it. Their newsfeed’s are updating minute by minute and you don’t want your post to get lost before they have a chance to see it!
Thank you,
Diane Economaki